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A dental implant is designed to replace the missing root and to hold the artificial tooth in place.

Dental Implant As Replacement For Natural Tooth

A dental implant mimics nature: it is designed to be firmly anchored in the jaw and to hold the tooth in place. The implant is a small part made of titanium, titanium alloy or ceramics – materials which are generally well-tolerated by the human body. Also, titanium has been shown to bond well with the human bone.

Placing An Implant
The dental implant is surgically inserted under local anesthetic. Once healed, the artificial root acts as a base for the visible top of the tooth.
The dental implant can be used to replace an individual tooth, more than one tooth, or all teeth.

[1] Natural tooth, [2] Dental implant, [3] Tooth crown

Why choose an implant treatment?
An implant is designed to replace the missing root and to act as a support for the implant crown. The healthy neighboring teeth do not have to be ground down and their substance remains intact.

Replacement of an individual tooth with an implant-supported crown in the front region

Replacement of an individual tooth with an implant-supported crown in the side region

Treatment: Replacement of all teeth
You have a completely toothless jaw and are looking for treatment. Talk to your dentist whether a dental implant is a solution for your situation.

Why choose an implant treatment?
There are various treatment options to replace all teeth:
Fig. 1: a row of teeth which is anchored in the jaw by several implants
Fig. 2 and 3: an implant-supported prosthesis which can be removed for oral hygiene
Both solutions are designed to offer more stability than conventional prostheses and look natural.


We offer a world-class service in the field of Implantology. Working in conjunction with a  very special dental  surgeon who has specialised in implantology (dental implants) for over fifteen years. His surgery which is based in the heart of Istanbul and Ankara has the latest technology available today. He holds a Phd in the department of Endodontics, as well as a certificate in the use of laser machines (issued in the University of Acheen and the university of Milano).

He only uses Cad Cam zirconium and metal free porcelain technologies.

We have four (4) laser machines in our Istanbul and Ankara clinics, along with two laboratories, which enables us to offer a complete set of implants within two days.

We use many different kinds of implant systems, some of which include:

  • MIS
  • DYNA
  • BSL
  • 3i




Why Turkey?

A dental implant is designed to replace the missing root and to hold the artificial tooth in ...
A dental implant is designed to replace the missing root and to hold the artificial tooth in place. Dental Implant As Replacement For Natural ...
Advisory Please be advised that you may not be able to participate in certain activities after ...
Advisory Please be advised that you may not be able to participate in certain activities after receiving your medical treatment. Your doctor will ...
Recently Turkey is emerging as one of the leading medical tourism destinations for patients ...
Recently Turkey is emerging as one of the leading medical tourism destinations for patients traveling abroad for medical treatment, cosmetic ...
With low cost of treatment and better healthcare facilities, medical tourist arrivals in Turkey ...
With low cost of treatment and better healthcare facilities, medical tourist arrivals in Turkey are expected to grow continuously in coming years. ...
“Emerging Medical Tourism in Turkey” – is a study on increasing popularity of Turkey as a medical ...
“Emerging Medical Tourism in Turkey” – is a study on increasing popularity of Turkey as a medical tourism destination. The global economic crisis ...
Turkey is becoming popular destination for medical tourism especially among the European ...
Turkey is becoming popular destination for medical tourism especially among the European tourists. In 2008, the country received around 200,000 ...
The concept of medical tourism is not a new one. The first recorded instance of medical tourism ...
The concept of medical tourism is not a new one. The first recorded instance of medical tourism dates back to thousands of years when Greek ...

Dental İmplants

January 26, 2013




Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry

November 15, 2012




Tooth Replacement

November 15, 2012

What Is A Dental Implant?

November 29, 2012



Going to Turkey with us for dental treatment

November 07, 2012




Activities in Istanbul

November 06, 2012

Address Details

Medical City
Hyde House, The Hyde,
London, NW9 6LH


Contact Information

T: 020 8959 3012
M: 0780 181 49 81
M: 0746 331 79 34
F: 0208 905 83 67
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