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The concept of medical tourism is not a new one. The first recorded instance of medical tourism dates back to thousands of years when Greek pilgrims journeyed from across the Mediterranean to Epidauria, a small area in the Saronic Gulf, where the healing god Asklepios dwelled in his sanctuary. Thus, Epidauria became the birthplace of medical tourism. Today, medical tourism is a concept becoming more of a mercurial issue in globalisation. Without equivocation, medical tourism ensures that people in need of treatment, though living in different parts of the world, do not only have to consider medical options in their respective countries, but may also choose treatment in various other countries that have advanced technology, reasonable prices, and high standards. Every year, millions of people all over the world travel for diagnoses, treatment, and operations in general surgery, eye diseases, oncology, cardiology, and in many other areas of medicine. Moreover, the primary reasons for such travel are several: the treatment costs are less expensive than those in their own countries; the technologies used are more advanced; and higher quality healthcare personnel are accessible with shorter waiting periods for patients. The type of transportation, the provision of suitable accommodations, the communication between the patient and the healthcare center, and adapting to the conditions of the country where they arrive – these are among the leading issues patients and their relatives most often face during these travels. Formerly, Istanbul promoted the city for tourism and trade, whose prominent history, cosmopolitan atmosphere, and differing cultural backgrounds bridged Europe and Asia – one of the most vital cities in the world for centuries. Today Istanbul has advanced a step further as one of the most important destinations in medical tourism, not just a city for tourism and trade. Istanbul’s main advantages in medical tourism include less flight time than to other medical tourism destinations such as Thailand, Singapore, or India; fully equipped and high standard healthcare centres; state-of-the art technology such as CyberKnife, Rapid Arc, and more; the most renown doctors in the world; and fast, easy visa procedures. Medical City acts as a bridge between patients and their treatment to eliminate all these problems.

Why Turkey?

A dental implant is designed to replace the missing root and to hold the artificial tooth in ...
A dental implant is designed to replace the missing root and to hold the artificial tooth in place. Dental Implant As Replacement For Natural ...
Advisory Please be advised that you may not be able to participate in certain activities after ...
Advisory Please be advised that you may not be able to participate in certain activities after receiving your medical treatment. Your doctor will ...
Recently Turkey is emerging as one of the leading medical tourism destinations for patients ...
Recently Turkey is emerging as one of the leading medical tourism destinations for patients traveling abroad for medical treatment, cosmetic ...
With low cost of treatment and better healthcare facilities, medical tourist arrivals in Turkey ...
With low cost of treatment and better healthcare facilities, medical tourist arrivals in Turkey are expected to grow continuously in coming years. ...
“Emerging Medical Tourism in Turkey” – is a study on increasing popularity of Turkey as a medical ...
“Emerging Medical Tourism in Turkey” – is a study on increasing popularity of Turkey as a medical tourism destination. The global economic crisis ...
Turkey is becoming popular destination for medical tourism especially among the European ...
Turkey is becoming popular destination for medical tourism especially among the European tourists. In 2008, the country received around 200,000 ...
The concept of medical tourism is not a new one. The first recorded instance of medical tourism ...
The concept of medical tourism is not a new one. The first recorded instance of medical tourism dates back to thousands of years when Greek ...

Dental İmplants

January 26, 2013




Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry

November 15, 2012




Tooth Replacement

November 15, 2012

What Is A Dental Implant?

November 29, 2012



Going to Turkey with us for dental treatment

November 07, 2012




Activities in Istanbul

November 06, 2012

Address Details

Medical City
Hyde House, The Hyde,
London, NW9 6LH


Contact Information

T: 020 8959 3012
M: 0780 181 49 81
M: 0746 331 79 34
F: 0208 905 83 67
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