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Recently Turkey is emerging as one of the leading medical tourism destinations for patients traveling abroad for medical treatment, cosmetic surgery and dentistry. Turkey with its health institutions, spa and natural beauties is attracting patients and visitors from all over the globe. Total of 500 thousand tourists visit Turkey for health tourism annually.

Turkey medicine has to offer a wide range of health services and experienced specialist physicians in all areas of: plastic surgery, assisted reproduction, cardiology, dental implants cosmetic dentistry, orthopedics, etc. Modern, hygienic hospitals with 5-star facilities and ISO 9001 certification, staffed with  internationally qualified, English-speaking surgeons and specialists, excellent patient care and service from highly qualified medical staff and the latest advanced medical equipment and techniques- all these are reasons why foreign patients prefer medical treatment in Turkey. The superior achievements of the Turkish physicians are recognized and appreciated throughout the world.

Turkey has a very high standard for dental care but the price is significantly lower than in Europe.  The diagnostic, treatment and surgical operation activities carried out with the same techniques and technologies used in Western countries, but the costs are significantly lower. Turkey offers highly professional medical services at lower costs. Throw in an opportunity for a memorable vacation and it becomes irresistible.

Travel tips: Capital city: Ankara

Local Time: GMT + 2 hours

Electricity: 220 volts, 50 Hz Tourism:

23 million visitors per year Religion: Muslim 99.8% (mostly Sunni), other 0.2% (mostly Christians and Jews)

Language: Turkish (official).

Emergency numbers: Police 155, Fire Brigade 110, Ambulance 112. Temperature (°C): Summer: Max.29, Min.23 Winter: Max. 9 Min. -2

The cost of private dentistry has soared in many countries in recent years and not surprisingly many patients are now shopping around and choosing to travel abroad for their private dentistry where treatments like implants, fillings, veneers or tooth whitening typically costs between 30% and 50% less than in the UK, other parts of Europe or the US.

We  offer international patients first class cosmetic dentistry in state-of-the-art facilities as well as dental tourism packages including accommodation (also including room for companions) and treatment so dental patients can enjoy an all inclusive five star dental experience and return home with a beautiful smile.

Dentists work in specialist areas so if root canal treatment is needed an Endodontic Specialist will do the work and an Implant Specialist for dental implants.  Our Clinics are of high quality - awarded the ISO 9001/2000 quality certificate.

Significant savings can be made on cosmetic dentistry. .

When considering dental treatment we will provide you with a breakdown of the expenses for the procedures from initial consultation to surgery, and to get this in writing.

Also we will inform you of what the fees include, and whether they include the cost of follow-up visits.  As well as the dentist’s credentials.



Why Turkey?

A dental implant is designed to replace the missing root and to hold the artificial tooth in ...
A dental implant is designed to replace the missing root and to hold the artificial tooth in place. Dental Implant As Replacement For Natural ...
Advisory Please be advised that you may not be able to participate in certain activities after ...
Advisory Please be advised that you may not be able to participate in certain activities after receiving your medical treatment. Your doctor will ...
Recently Turkey is emerging as one of the leading medical tourism destinations for patients ...
Recently Turkey is emerging as one of the leading medical tourism destinations for patients traveling abroad for medical treatment, cosmetic ...
With low cost of treatment and better healthcare facilities, medical tourist arrivals in Turkey ...
With low cost of treatment and better healthcare facilities, medical tourist arrivals in Turkey are expected to grow continuously in coming years. ...
“Emerging Medical Tourism in Turkey” – is a study on increasing popularity of Turkey as a medical ...
“Emerging Medical Tourism in Turkey” – is a study on increasing popularity of Turkey as a medical tourism destination. The global economic crisis ...
Turkey is becoming popular destination for medical tourism especially among the European ...
Turkey is becoming popular destination for medical tourism especially among the European tourists. In 2008, the country received around 200,000 ...
The concept of medical tourism is not a new one. The first recorded instance of medical tourism ...
The concept of medical tourism is not a new one. The first recorded instance of medical tourism dates back to thousands of years when Greek ...

Dental İmplants

January 26, 2013




Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry

November 15, 2012




Tooth Replacement

November 15, 2012

What Is A Dental Implant?

November 29, 2012



Going to Turkey with us for dental treatment

November 07, 2012




Activities in Istanbul

November 06, 2012

Address Details

Medical City
Hyde House, The Hyde,
London, NW9 6LH


Contact Information

T: 020 8959 3012
M: 0780 181 49 81
M: 0746 331 79 34
F: 0208 905 83 67
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